Citizens of 34 nations live longer than Americans. Same-day access to primary-care physicians in the U.S. (33%) is far less available than in the United Kingdom (41%), Australia (54%) and New Zealand (60%). Per capita spending for health care averaged $2,696 in countries without waiting lists and $5,267 in the U.S. "Health care costs are not just a burden and barrier to care for individuals; they are taking a heavy toll on American businesses." The strain on employers in 2005 was staggering. "The average total premiums for an employer-based family plan was $9,979 in 2005 ..."
Go ahead ignore your HMO Doctor his new Lexus with your hard-earned cash....oh, well, that is if you can AFFORD the insurance! Otherwise, crawl away and get sick someplace else...its about profit here, not people.