Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sense of Smell and Mental Health

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Depression May Affect Smell

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PerfumeCan’t smell the roses? Maybe you’re depressed, say researchers from Tel Aviv University. Scientists recently linked depression to a biological mechanism that affects the olfactory glands.
It might explain why some women, without realizing it, wear too much perfume.

“We also believe that depression has biological roots and may be an immune system response to certain physiological cues.”

Scientists today widely accept the fact that people with Alzheimer’s disease lose their sense of smell. Prof. Shoenfeld’s research is the first that links depression to smell in lupus patients, however.

“There may be an organic cause to these disorders, and if this is the case, clinicians might have to change their attitude about current therapies they use,” Prof. Shoenfeld says.

“I think that science is able to show that aromatherapy might not be just for quacks. After all, some of these remedies have been used since the time of the Egyptians to treat organic diseases.”

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Nagasaki : A Graphic Testimony by Yosuke Yamahata

"The human memory, has a tendency to stray and the criticism to fade with the years with changes in lifestyle and circumstances. But the camera, capturing the reality of the time, brings us to the irrefutable facts that occurred seven years ago, without any makeup. Today, with the remarkable recovery of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, it is difficult to recall the past, but these pictures will continue showing in unequivocal testimony the reality of that time. "

Yosuke Yamahata
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