The chart will SHOCK you into reality about the Conservative agenda to borrow until the dollar is completely worthless and America is owned by foreigners.
Back in the 1980s Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan repeatedly complained that Ronald Reagan was running up the national debt in order to bankrupt the USA so that the Federal government could no longer afford any of its social programs, from Aid to Families with Dependent Children to Social Security to Medicare to veterans' benefits. He was right, but hardly anyone listened. The Republicans are still trying to bankrupt the Federal government and they're still trying to eliminate every Federal social program, not only the remnants of FDR's New Deal but even going back to Teddy Roosevelt's conservationist programs. Now, after 18 years of huge Republican deficits and Republican recessions, the National Debt has increased from $937 Billion -- LESS than $1 Trillion -- when Ronald Reagan took office to OVER $8.5 TRILLION !!! We will be paying off the debt added by Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush for the next 100 years and more! |