Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Truth About Republican Economics and American Debt

The chart will SHOCK you into reality about the Conservative agenda to borrow until the dollar is completely worthless and America is owned by foreigners.
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Back in the 1980s Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan repeatedly complained that Ronald Reagan was running up the national debt in order to bankrupt the USA so that the Federal government could no longer afford any of its social programs, from Aid to Families with Dependent Children to Social Security to Medicare to veterans' benefits. He was right, but hardly anyone listened.
The Republicans are still trying to bankrupt the Federal government and they're still trying to eliminate every Federal social program, not only the remnants of FDR's New Deal but even going back to Teddy Roosevelt's conservationist programs.
Now, after 18 years of huge Republican deficits and Republican recessions, the National Debt has increased from $937 Billion -- LESS than $1 Trillion -- when Ronald Reagan took office to OVER $8.5 TRILLION !!! We will be paying off the debt added by Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush for the next 100 years and more!
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Friday, January 18, 2008

The 6 Most Unsettling Medication Side Effects

Most of them only happen to an infinitesimally small group of people, but they can still happen.
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Alli is a weight-loss medication that prevents fat absorption.
Side effects may include ...
nothing major, mind you, just things like "gas with oily spotting."
a polite way of describing a fart that spackles your chair with a greasy stain of ass buckshot
Side effects may include ...
"an unusual urge to gamble or increased sexual urges and/or behaviors."

The fear of hair loss grips many a man
Side effects may include ...
means boobs
that can make milk
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acne treatments
Side effects may include ...

Side effects can include crying spells, rectal bleeding and bone fractures.
hepatitis, psychosis and hirsutism

Side effects may include...
a "persistent, painful erection."

This awful wood you're sporting also has the advantage of shooting blanks
"ejaculation failure"

Treating bacterial infections
Side effects may include ...

It can turn you into a vampire.
it can kill your ability to handle sunlight
called "phototoxicity,"
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Friday, January 11, 2008

Ex-CIA Official: Israel will Attack Iran

...and then drag U.S. into it. This is why the neoconservatives (in league with militant Zionists) need to be driven out of U.S. government.
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Ex-CIA official: Israel will attack Iran on its own

"I came back from a trip to Israel in November convinced that Israel would attack Iran," Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official and senior adviser to three US presidents, George W. Bush among them, told the American Newsweek magazine in an article published Friday.

Citing conversations he had in Israel with officials in Mossad and the Israeli defense establishment, Riedel concluded that "Israel is not going to allow its nuclear monopoly to be threatened."

Riedel told the magazine his impression that Israel would venture a strike on Iran on its own was formed before the publication of the joint US intelligence agencies' report, the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE). "This [the NIE] makes it [a strike on Iran] even more likely," he said.

In Israel, responses to the report ranged from subtle criticism of the report's conclusions to outright slamming of the US intelligence community's capabilities
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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sense of Smell and Mental Health

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Depression May Affect Smell

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PerfumeCan’t smell the roses? Maybe you’re depressed, say researchers from Tel Aviv University. Scientists recently linked depression to a biological mechanism that affects the olfactory glands.
It might explain why some women, without realizing it, wear too much perfume.

“We also believe that depression has biological roots and may be an immune system response to certain physiological cues.”

Scientists today widely accept the fact that people with Alzheimer’s disease lose their sense of smell. Prof. Shoenfeld’s research is the first that links depression to smell in lupus patients, however.

“There may be an organic cause to these disorders, and if this is the case, clinicians might have to change their attitude about current therapies they use,” Prof. Shoenfeld says.

“I think that science is able to show that aromatherapy might not be just for quacks. After all, some of these remedies have been used since the time of the Egyptians to treat organic diseases.”

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Nagasaki : A Graphic Testimony by Yosuke Yamahata

"The human memory, has a tendency to stray and the criticism to fade with the years with changes in lifestyle and circumstances. But the camera, capturing the reality of the time, brings us to the irrefutable facts that occurred seven years ago, without any makeup. Today, with the remarkable recovery of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, it is difficult to recall the past, but these pictures will continue showing in unequivocal testimony the reality of that time. "

Yosuke Yamahata
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