Friday, January 18, 2008

The 6 Most Unsettling Medication Side Effects

Most of them only happen to an infinitesimally small group of people, but they can still happen.
clipped from
article image

Alli is a weight-loss medication that prevents fat absorption.
Side effects may include ...
nothing major, mind you, just things like "gas with oily spotting."
a polite way of describing a fart that spackles your chair with a greasy stain of ass buckshot
Side effects may include ...
"an unusual urge to gamble or increased sexual urges and/or behaviors."

The fear of hair loss grips many a man
Side effects may include ...
means boobs
that can make milk
clipped from
acne treatments
Side effects may include ...

Side effects can include crying spells, rectal bleeding and bone fractures.
hepatitis, psychosis and hirsutism

Side effects may include...
a "persistent, painful erection."

This awful wood you're sporting also has the advantage of shooting blanks
"ejaculation failure"

Treating bacterial infections
Side effects may include ...

It can turn you into a vampire.
it can kill your ability to handle sunlight
called "phototoxicity,"
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