berating people like you and me for not using the right kind of light bulb, Al, the green guru himself, was racking up electric bills of $1,300 dollars per month. |
Posted by Doreen1722
with the tags al gore, media, gloral warming, double standard
Sohil 07-14-2007 2.14am
Well at least he's inspiring other people, as opposed to millions others.
Filby 07-14-2007 2.33am
"Dorine1722 Writes Deceptively-Selective Popurl Post; Post Leaves Out Gore's Carbon Credit Participation"
Unlike you, Dorine, Gore takes actions to offset his energy usage by various measures (like planting more trees to produce more oxygen from co2). Its well-documented and you've no excuse whatsoever for not knowing it if you're so 'well-informed' on the topic that you post about it.
Dorine1722, you and your slimy type aren't getting away with your usual slandering Swift Boat bullshitting half-truths this time around, not by a long shot. Be forewarned that you're telling your lies in a very, very exposed setting where you can be revealed for what you truly are in an instant.
Like now for example.
Gore is far more responsible than any other politician could hope to be, and you partisan loons try to lie by omission to obscure the fact? Since when did he ever state he was the perfect human being you apparently think needs to be cut down? What exactly is wrong with spreading the word about better ways to live that you find so objectionable?
Don't you have a war-hero-multiple-amputee to slander or something, you scumbag? Or is war hero Max Cleland off your radar to make room for this latest brain dead, sure to backfire character smear attempt on a popular Vice President?
Go back under your bridge, Dorine. Chalk this one up as your failure to 'get away with it'.
Sohil 07-14-2007 2.35am
Sorry Filby, those aren't very nice things to say about people. If you read dorine's clips, you'll notice that her affiliation with the right does very little to influence her clips and be a participant of Clipmarks unlike many here (who I need not name and am sure you met).
Doreen1722 07-14-2007 2.42pm
Thanks, sohil.
Michellezm 07-14-2007 4.44pm
Filby, you are nothing but a nasty vicious troll. You are attacking, undeservedly, the nicest person on Clipmarks. How dare you!!! You coward. You hide behind your anonymity and hurl judgments at someone you don't even know But you have displayed to us all the type of person you are and it's not a pleasant sight. If there's a slimy person on Clipmarks, it's you. I notice you haven't CLIPPED ONE SINGLE ITEM, yet you've had the nerve to comment on 28. Clipmarks is the poorer for having you on.
Doreen1722 07-14-2007 5.07pm
Thanks, michelle. I was taken by surprise at this clipper's response to my clip. Pointing out media bias or double standards brings out the wackos. Looks like I struck a nerve. Thanks for your support.
Michellezn 07-14-2007 5.23pm
Dorine, I just want to let you know that I appreciate your clips and your comments so much. You have demonstrated your good and gentle nature. The quality of your clips are consistently good and interesting and informative. Please don't let this 'creature from the night' disrupt their flow. You are a lady of substance and a decent and courteous human being. Clipmarks would be the poorer if you were not one part of it. I cannot recall when last I felt this much anger. I am enraged at the absolute injustice of those words aimed at you. One nice thing though, we have the power to screen out or censor another clipper and this individual can be shunned and shut out if he/she does not, or cannot control themselves. Filby's rant was so bizarre that I wonder if he/she is not actually mentally ill or of sub-normal intelligence. It's a distinct possibility.
Clip on, Dorine.
Dorine1722 07-14-2007 5.50pm
Michelle, your kind and encouraging words have left speechless. Thank you so much!
Righthand 07-21-2007 4.00pm
Al Gore's new book: report in 90 seconds

WashPost: Gore Inspires Energy Conservation; Paper Leaves Out Mammoth Electric Bill
By Joe Steigerwald | July 13, 2007 - 17:47 ET
The summer of media love for Al Gore continues in the Washington Post today. An article by Lori Aratani boasts in the sub-heading that “Al Gore’s film has raised awareness of energy conservation, officials say.”
The piece is actually on John Morrill, an Arlington County bureaucrat who has, for years, been “touting the cost saving benefits and environmentally friendly nature” of compact fluorescent lamps. He says in the past people ignored him but now, “thanks in part to ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ the issue has a higher profile.”
While the article stumbles over itself bestowing platitudes on Al Gore’s “documentary,” it – of course – fails to mention that while Al was busy lecturing America about the evils of carbon emissions, his own house in Tennessee was using over 20 times more energy than the national average.
That’s right folks! While Al was criss-crossing the country, berating people like you and me for not using the right kind of light bulb, Al, the green guru himself, was racking up electric bills of $1,300 dollars per month.
In contrast to Al’s house of energy horrors, George W. Bush’s Crawford ranch has called an “eco-friendly haven.”
What, did Al accidentally leave a light on during all those cross-country trips?
Of course people caught up in the hysteria of the green movement constantly “forget” to include little things like that in their stories. Mentioning such a thing about their hero Albert is obviously off-limits.
racist, apartheid supporter,
patronised by a sexist bigot.
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