Sunday, August 12, 2007


EU and US miles of sensibility apart?
righthand 8-07-2007 1.36pm

Many Europeans have seen the writing on the wall some time ago. "Go East, young man" is the way to go now for Europe. We have much better chances of arriving at full peace with our Arab neighbours when apart from the US ties with Israel. Our relationship with our Russian neighbour will determine our economic future. A good relationship with India and China may be more important that distant America.

When America shows itself to be capable of moral leadership then we could reconsider. I'm far for convince that whatever, if any, change of leadership happens in 2008 that there will be any real change in how the US 'leads'!

An ability to raise huge sum of money - and being an eunuch - is the first requirement for to be elected in both parties. This, combines with the necessity to receive funds from the gun and Zionist lobby, ensures that the majority of candidates are corruptible. This is the 'democracy' that America wishes to impose on the unfree world!?

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