Tuesday, August 21, 2007


One Atheist's Take on Christianity
by Faberglas

righthand 8-21-2007 7.46pm

The real problem with believing in god or not, is the desire to convert others to your point of view.

First, I believe it may be morally wrong, to even try.
Second, you are more likely to reinforce the other in their belief. Religion does not lend itself to debate, particularly if you have widely varying view points.
Third, it is easier to believe in no god so those that do believe are at a big disadvantage when you require them to utilise logic. So have faith and fight fair.

"The Great Communicator" Comments On "The Decider"
by BartendingBear

righthand 8-23-2007
1:45 PM

Ye, but the truth never got in George &Co's way in invading Iraq or any other issue. He's of the school that believes that if it's repeated often enough and by him in particular, then it becomes the truth. Think swift boats and Kerry.

Of course, what had it easier was the inability of his followers to use even the minimum amount of brain matter to discern what might be untrue.
Blindly following an earthly leader is an easy progression from following an unearthly one!


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